"Introducing "Polaroid Rōnin", a project I did while traveling in Kyoto, Japan.
During my journey, I had the pleasure of meeting new friends who inspired me to capture their genuine spirit and kindness through the lens of both a vintage Polaroid camera and a DSLR. The Polaroid photos were gifted to them as a cherished memory of our once-in-a-lifetime encounter.
In a world where we often forget to treasure the moments we share with one another, "Polaroid Rōnin" is a tribute to the joy of human connection. Whether with acquaintances, close friends, or family, these moments are the true treasures of life, nourishing us in ways beyond measure.
As an avid traveler, I relish the opportunity to meet new people and immerse myself in the local culture. Through engaging conversations with locals, I've gained invaluable insights and perspectives that have broadened my worldview. I hope that this project will serve as a reminder of the beautiful memories we create with the people we encounter along life's journey.
「Polaroid Rōnin」是一個在我京都旅行時臨時興起的一個小計畫。在旅途中,我有幸結識新朋友,透過復古的拍立得相機和DSLR攝影機,捕捉他們的真誠精神和善良。最後,再把拍立得照片作為「一期一會」的禮物送給他們。
我們常常忘記珍惜彼此分享的時刻。「Polaroid Rōnin」是對人與人之間連結的喜悅的一種致敬。不論是認識的人、好朋友還是家人,這些時刻是生命中真正的寶藏,滋養著我們的靈魂。